Substitute Teaching In ROE #13
Procedure of Substitute Teaching
Any individual serving as a substitute teacher based on holding a substitute license is no longer restricted to the number of days they can teach in a district. However, a substitute teacher can only work 90 days for one individual teacher per district per academic year (July 1 through June 30). Individuals who currently hold a valid Professional Educator License may substitute teach unlimited days per district per academic year, but may only substitute for an individual teacher for 120 days per academic year.
Illinois and FBI reports must be received before an individual can be authorized to substitute and the individual must pay for the fingerprint fee. Individuals who apply to subsitute teacher in Illinois Public Schools are required to hold an ROE Substitute Authorization form which is portable to all the Regional Offices in the state. Individuals who wish to substitute are required by law to register in each region they work, but only pay registration fees once.