Regional Office of Education #13

Serving Clinton, Jefferson, Marion and Washington Counties

Matt Renaud, Regional Superintendent
Regional Office of Education #13


Administrator Academy 4050
Evaluator Initial Training and Retraining for Principals and Assistant Principals


Date: October 1 and October 9, 2024 This is a two-day commitment.
Location:   Regional Office of Education #13 Conference Room
    1710 Broadway
    Mt. Vernon
Time:   Registration 8:30 a.m.
    Academy Begins at 9:00 a.m.
    Academy finishes no later than 3:30 p.m.
    Lunch is provided.
Fee:   Free for Curriculum Cooperative Members
    $400 for Non-Cooperative and Out-of-District
Presenter:   Dr. Jennifer Garrison

Participants will synthesize the School Leader Paradigm to understand the personal intelligences, knowledge, and skills necessary for school leaders to effectively lead a learning organization; evaluate the research base to communicate the impact that effective school leaders have on a learning organization; analyze the School Leader Evaluation Plan to discern how the process grows school leaders' personal intelligences and leadership skills that actualize school improvement and student growth goals; and critique Professional Practice and Student Growth Cycles of Inquiry to assess the approaches of each to a school's Problems of Practice.

    Registration is closed.
    View Class List
    We strive to bring our educators excellent presenters and of course that comes with a cost. When our teachers and administrators register to attend a workshop or administrator academy, we expect them to honor their intention to participate. As we move forward, there will be a charge of $400 for participants who register for this offering, but do not attend. Please notify our office five days in advance if you cannot participate.

Clinton County
930 B Fairfax
Carlyle, IL 62231

Phone: 618-594-2432
Hours 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00

Jefferson County
1710 Broadway,
Mt. Vernon 62864
Phone: 618-244-8040
Hours 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00

Marion County
1475 West Whittaker Street
Salem IL 62881
Phone: 618-548-3885
Hours 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00