Regional Office of Education #13

Serving Clinton, Jefferson, Marion and Washington Counties

Matt Renaud, Regional Superintendent
Regional Office of Education #13


Sold a Story
(this PL activity is completely online)


 Date: October 24, 2024 through December 5, 2024
Location:   Online and via podcast
Time:   There will be two virtual meets at 3:30 p.m. on October 24 and December 5.  Everything else is done at your convenience.  
Credits   Nine PD hours will be awarded at completion.
Fee:   Free for Curriculum Cooperative Members
    $125 for Non Cooperative Members and Out-of-District
Presenters:   Charlene Heggemeier and Dr. Christine Mitchell-Endsley

There's an idea about how children learn to read that's held sway in schools for more than a generation - even though it was proven wrong by cognitive scientists decades ago.  Teaching methods based on this idea can make it harder for children to learn to read.  In this podcast, host Emily Handford investigates the influential authors who promote this idea and the company that sells their work.  It's an expose of how educators came to believe in something that isn't true and are now reckoning with the consequences - children harmed, money wasted, an education system upended.  

Teachers listen to the free podcast on their own and write a reflection after each of the ten sessions on padlet.  There will be two, one hour virtual meetings to discuss what was learned.  

    Register for October 24-December 5.
    View Class List
    We strive to bring our educators excellent presenters and of course that comes with a cost. When our teachers and administrators register to attend a workshop or administrator academy, we expect them to honor their intention to participate. As we move forward, there will be a charge of $125 for participants who register for this offering, but do not attend. Please notify our office five days in advance if you cannot participate.

Clinton County
930 B Fairfax
Carlyle, IL 62231

Phone: 618-594-2432
Hours 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00

Jefferson County
1710 Broadway,
Mt. Vernon 62864
Phone: 618-244-8040
Hours 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00

Marion County
1475 West Whittaker Street
Salem IL 62881
Phone: 618-548-3885
Hours 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00