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Healthy Educational Learning Programs & Services
ROE HELPS is a regional initiative focused on schools in the Marion, Clinton, Jefferson, and Washington, Illinois counties to create a comprehensive social-emotional learning (SEL) environment for students, faculty, and teachers.
Meghan Branch acts as the Social-Emotional Coordinator. She is joined by Terry Cantley, ROE #13 Regional Social Emotional Learning Coach. The team is based in the Mt. Vernon Regional Office of Education #13 located at 1710 Broadway. The mission of ROE HELPS is to engage students by providing relatable skills and supportive teachers to foster a healthy learning environment. The program provides strategic and comprehensive support services to promote a universal social-emotional support system to ensure that all members of the school community feel respected, empowered and valued. We assist schools in this by providing:
- Equitable Learning Environments
- Community Resource Assistance
- Professional Development and Support
- Student Observations and Coaching
- Mental Health Assistance
In order to achieve these goals, ROE HELPS provides professional development, needs assessments, a resource library, access to supports and coaching, and a network of individuals passionate about improving culture and climate and supporting the social and emotional needs of staff and students in the schools served by the Regional Office of Education #13.
School Staff Trainings
Available for Professional Development Days, Teacher In-Services, Conferences, or Individual Staff Groups
Resilience: Teacher Survival 101- Identifies common reasons for teacher-burnout, and
provides tips and tricks to survive the school year. Focuses on self-care strategies that can be easy to
include in a busy daily schedule.
Resilience: How to Help Your Students- Learn how to view students through a Trauma Lens, identify struggling students, and apply the necessary skills to navigate trauma in the classroom.
Trauma and Behavior Intervention- Gives a brief overview of how trauma affects learning in the classroom and focuses on providing resources, tips, and strategies for increasing classroom learning time. Includes time designated to create individualized classroom behavior strategies for teachers.
Trauma and the Affected Child- Learn the Whys, Hows, and Don’ts for working with a trauma-affected child. Focuses on the psychological and physiological effects trauma has on the body and brain, and how the education system can work with and overcome these deficits.
* Our Resilience and Trauma trainings can be completed individually or as a series. Please contact our ROE HELPS program if interested in a series for further information.
Student Assembly or Classroom Presentations
Adulting 101: Assembly - Motivational speaking style to discuss future-focused possibilities about life outside of high school. Discusses potential roadblocks in life, how to overcome, and resources to use to create a roadmap to success. Introduces skills like money and time management, establishing a support system, and possible career goals for the future.
Resilience: It’s Okay to Not Be Okay - Overviews common mental health disorders, signs to look for in teens and young adults, resources to access, and motivational-style speaking to encourage and focus on positive outcomes.
“I Need Help” - Addresses trauma in a way for students to understand. Explains what trauma is and how it can affect a person throughout their life. Emphasizes that trauma is NOT a student’s fault and does not affect success.
Self Care - Explores the meaning and importance of self-care strategies for students to effectively manage stressful situations and life events. Discusses potential stressors in the school, athletic, and life a student may face in their daily schedule.
* Student assemblies and presentations can be modified to be used at any school level.
Click Here for District PD/Student Assembly Requests
If you'd like to discuss customized social-emotional learning for your school staff or education team, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to contact the ROE 13 HELPS team. We provide assistance within the following services:
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act - assists districts in identifying McKinney-Vento eligible students, providing staff training and individualized resource assistance, and question and answer services.
Behavior Assessment and Coaching - Provides on-site behavior observation and assessment services and staff coaching to discuss feedback and provide intervention recommendations. Utilizes scientifically-backed mental health assessments, as well as SHAPE assessments and individualized plans to influence change at an individual, classroom, or school level.
Needs-Based District Assessments and Reviews - Utilizes a multi-response approach to develop a districtwide action plan based on district-specific responses. Focuses on how to implement change based on identified needs in a specific or variety of areas.
Resource Support Assistance - Allow our staff to help you link a student or family with resources that can help! ROE HELPS offers a comprehensive, yet non-exhaustive, list of local resources for families and schools to access. Our list is ever-changing, so if you are unable to find what you need on our website list here, please contact us. Click here for a list of resources.